Deity Meditation

Teachings from annual weeklong and three-month deity meditation retreats.

All Posts in Deity Meditation

Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

108 Verses: Verses 1-6

How great compassion protects our minds from afflictions and guides us through the spiritual path.

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Four-armed Chenrezig
Chenrezig Weeklong Retreat 2007

Afflicted views

Observing the thoughts that arise in our mind and examining if they are valid.

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Four-armed Chenrezig
Chenrezig Weeklong Retreat 2007

Purpose of practice

How understanding the reasons for rituals helps us during the practice.

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Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

108 Verses: A bucket in a well

Comparing how we go from one birth to another repeatedly through an analogy of bucket…

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Four-armed Chenrezig
Chenrezig Weeklong Retreat 2007

Precepts and distorted views

Teachings on wrong beliefs and how that can influence one to act in unrestrained ways.

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Thousand-armed Chenrezig

1000-armed Chenrezig deity sadhana with guided medit...

The 1000-armed Chenrezig sadhana practice with guided meditation recording.

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Una imagen Thangka de Tara Verde.
Green Tara

Green Tara sadhana (short)

A short version of the Green Tara sadhana.

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Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

Our real enemy

Seeing how our own afflictions are our real enemy and how we should be relentless…

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Four-armed Chenrezig
Chenrezig Weeklong Retreat 2007

Afflictions and antidotes

Examining our actions deeply to see what is the affliction that is really causing it.

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Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

Where is attachment?

Seeing the source of attachment or anger in order for us to eliminate them.

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