Medicine Buddha

Learn about Medicine Buddha, the buddha of healing and medicine, whose practices are also useful at the time of death.

All Posts in Medicine Buddha

Medicine Buddha thangka surrounded by light and flower offerings.
Medicine Buddha Winter Retreat 2007-08

Clarifying the practice

Learning to work with anxiety. Questions from retreatants on visualization in the sadhana and about…

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Medicine Buddha Weeklong Retreat 2016

Loosening our identities

A short meditation on the Medicine Buddha and a challenge to question the identities that…

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Medicine Buddha Weeklong Retreat 2016

Shantideva on equalizing self and others

How to meditate on equalizing self and others. A commentary on Chapter 8 of Shantideva's…

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Medicine Buddha Weeklong Retreat 2016

Conventional and ultimate truth

While suffering is empty of inherent existence, it still exists conventionally and must be addressed.…

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Medicine Buddha Weeklong Retreat 2016

Visualization and mantra recitation

The psychological effect of doing the visualization of the Medicine Buddha and reciting his mantra

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Medicine Buddha Weeklong Retreat 2016

Overcoming self-centeredness

How to identify self-centeredness, considering its disadvantages, and why we should give it up.

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Medicine Buddha Weeklong Retreat 2016

Medicine Buddha’s unshakeable resolves

The first four of the great vows or unshakeable resolves that the Medicine Buddha made.

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Medicine Buddha Weeklong Retreat 2016

The benefits of cherishing others

The advantages of cherishing others more than ourselves. The continuing teaching on Shantideva's "Engaging in…

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