Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

Exterior view of Oregon State Penitentiary.
By Incarcerated People

Making mistakes

By changing the mind, it is possible to change suffering into freedom.

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Venerable Chodron with Abbey guests and the cat, Manjushri.
Working with Emotions

The creator of happiness and suffering

Exploring the concept that the mind is the true source of happiness and suffering. Thus,…

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Cross stitch of a riot scene.
On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta

An almost riot

A person in prison reflects on the power people have, to bring about change when…

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Venerable Chodron with the cat, Manjushri, eating breakfast together.
Working with Emotions


Too judgmental? Take people close to you for granted? Feeling closed off? These practices increase…

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Venerable Chodron meditating with Abbey guests.
Working with Emotions

Discontent and contentment

Our society conditions us to believe that what we do, have or are is never…

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A buddha statue with reflecting image of the buddha on the surface.
Prison Dharma

Heartfelt gifts

People in prison connect with the Triple Gem through offerings of great generosity.

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Circles with a path and light in the middle of the circles.
On Cultivating Wisdom

Our circle of suffering

Analogy of struggles in samsara with the experience of a hunted animal. Unlike the animal,…

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A deer in silhouette.
On Mindfulness

Treasure the present

Correspondence with a person in prison on the benefits of learning how to live in…

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Wildflowers and grasses.
By Incarcerated People

A new place

A person shares his experience after he was moved to a different prison.

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Prison cell in dim light.
By Incarcerated People

Views on reforming the prison system

Alternatives to the current prison system exist, alternatives that provide rehabilitation and counseling options.

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A green and gold-colored beetle.
On Mindfulness

Beauty and the bugs

Finding beauty, love and happiness in the smallest of living beings.

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Metal door of a prison.
By Incarcerated People

Surviving in the system

How to bring personal responsibility to a difficult situation.

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