Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

By Incarcerated People

Adjusting to change

An incarcerated person discusses the difficulties he encounters when a change of routine disrupts his…

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Silhouette of a man meditating.
By Prison Volunteers

An afternoon in prison

Venerable Jigme rejoices the dharma practice by group of incarcerated people.

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The heart of forgiveness

What forgiveness is and practical advice on how to cultivate it.

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Dharma in Daily Life

Conceptual Minds and Mind Training

Two strategies for working with the mind that conceptualizes based on raw sensory data.

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A man working in office facing the window
Workplace Wisdom


Applying the Dharma in the workplace, Ken Mondal offers us his personal experience.

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Rice in different colors on a table.
By Prison Volunteers

Practicing the six perfections

Members of a Buddhist group in Spokane, Washington, practice the six far-reaching attitudes.

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Participants connect during group discussion.
Healing after a Suicide

Healing after suicide

Reflections on sharing the pain of survivors of a loved one's suicide at the 18th…

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Venerable Chodron sitting in front of altar, in prayer.
Healing after a Suicide

Letter to someone whose son committed suicide

Advice to a student working with difficult emotions after his son with schizophrenia committed suicide.

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White, radiating light.
Living with Impermanence

Advice for a child with a chronic illness

Advice to a young girl with diabetes on how to transform difficult emotions around her…

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