Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

Dharma in Daily Life

The eight worldly concerns

Examining our attachment and aversion in the eight worldly concerns.

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Yellow autumn leaf in a puddle of rain water
On Mindfulness

Reflections on my good fortune

That I have been able to communicate with you for this long is very special.…

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Half-full cup of coffee in paper cup.
On Mindfulness

The coffee pot: A test of my tolerance

Here, at the prison where I live, everyone dreads the coffee pot. Unlike a majority…

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Geshe Tenzin Chodrak (Dadul Namgyal) smiling, a smiling student offering a khata in the background.
Living with Impermanence

To Geshela with appreciation

I have been thinking a lot about Geshela and I wanted to share some of…

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Ethics in the Modern World

Buddhist ethics in the age of technology

A discussion on how developers can integrate core Buddhist teachings into the design of technology…

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Dharma in Daily Life

Thriving in tough times

Using difficult situations as opportunities for spiritual growth.

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