21st Century Buddhists

Engaging with modern education and science while remaining rooted in the Buddha's teachings.

All Posts in 21st Century Buddhists

Young man wearing black t-shirt with the word 'Ambitious' on it.
21st Century Buddhists

Are Buddhists ambitious?

Ambition and the Buddhist path. Distinguishing between postive and negative ambition.

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Jewish stone ablution bowl in lotus leaves
Interfaith Dialogue

The origin of “The Jew in the Lotus”

Reflections on the historic 1990 meeting between American and Israeli Jewish leaders and His Holiness…

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Graffiti image of a Buddha's face.
21st Century Buddhists

Buddhism in modern society

The teaching principles of the Buddha can be applied to many things in our modern…

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His Holiness with palms together.
Interfaith Dialogue

What I learned about Judaism from the Dalai Lama

Thoughts on Judaism and Buddhism and meeting with His Holiness the Dalai Lama from the…

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People drinking beer
Ethics in the Modern World

Taking intoxicants

Getting our ethical conduct together as a foundation to progress along the path to find…

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Ethics in the Modern World

Compassion and ethics in the public discourse

Leading with compassion and ethical conduct can influence our society in a powerful way.

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Buddha statue superimposed over earth.
21st Century Buddhists

Cycles of optimism

Questions regarding the challenges and opportunities of Buddhism in the 21st century.

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Manora candles
Interfaith Dialogue

Buddhism and Judaism

What are JuBu's and what have they done? A description of the accomplishments and writings…

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A man wearing a brain cap with alot of wires attached to it.
Science and Buddhism

Brain training: The effects of meditation on the brain

Feel measurably happier, improve self-awareness and concentration through meditative training.

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Sister Leslie, smiling.
Interfaith Dialogue
  • Placeholder Image Sister Leslie Lund, OCDH, Carmelite Sisters of Mary

Christ the divine physician sadhana

A Carmelite hermit nun shares her perspective on incorporating a Buddhist practice.

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People talking in a circle
Ethics in the Modern World

Ethics in daily life

A look at ethical conditioning and the factors in our lives that lead to our…

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