
Teachings on the Buddhist worldview from introductory talks to comprehensive explanations of the stages of the path to awakening.

All Posts in Teachings

Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Freedoms and fortunes of a precious human life

Covering verses 1.1c-1.4 on Shantideva’s purpose for writing the text and the eight freedoms and…

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Volume 2 The Foundation of Buddhist Practice

Nine-point death meditation

Teaching nine-point death meditation, from the section “Learning from Our Own Mortality” in Chapter 9.

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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Introduction and homage

Giving an overview of the text and covering the Verse on Shantideva’s homage to the…

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Volume 2 The Foundation of Buddhist Practice

Looking beyond this life

Finishing Chapter 8 and beginning Chapter 9 "Looking Beyond This Life", covering sections "Gross and…

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Parting from the Four Clingings

The Middle Way view

Talking about heart-warming love and compassion and teaching on attachment to inherently existent things and…

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Parting from the Four Clingings

Love and compassion

Speaking on developing close relationships without attachment and teaching on the meaning of love and…

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Parting from the Four Clingings

Equanimity and the kindness of others

Leading a meditation on equanimity and teaching on the the seven-point cause and effect method…

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Volume 2 The Foundation of Buddhist Practice

Disadvantages of the eight worldly concerns

Continuing teaching from Chapter 8 “The Essence of a Meaningful Life” covering eight worldly concerns…

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Parting from the Four Clingings

The causes of samsara

Speaking on the benefits of meditation on impermanence and teaching on six root afflictions that…

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Parting from the Four Clingings

Death and the defects of samsara

Giving detailed instruction on how to meditate on one's own death and reflecting on the…

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Parting from the Four Clingings

Attachment and death meditation

Speaking on the benefits of study and reflection and going through the nine-point death meditation…

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Parting from the Four Clingings

The eight worldly concerns

Teaching on how attachment to this life keeps us bound in samsara, exploring the eight…

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