
Teachings on the Buddhist worldview from introductory talks to comprehensive explanations of the stages of the path to awakening.

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Statue of a sitting Buddha.
LR12 Cultivating Bodhicitta

Repaying the kindness of our mother

Continuing an exploration of the seven-point cause and effect meditation by looking at repaying the…

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Statue of a sitting Buddha.
LR12 Cultivating Bodhicitta

The kindness of our mothers

Beginning an exploration of the seven-point cause and effect meditation by looking at how all…

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Statue of a sitting Buddha.
LR12 Cultivating Bodhicitta

Bodhicitta: Advantages and prerequisites

More of the many advantages of bodhicitta as well as how to cultivate equanimity, a…

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Statue of a sitting Buddha.
LR12 Cultivating Bodhicitta

The altruistic intention

An examination of the practices in common with advanced level practitioners starts by first considering…

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Painting of the Buddha's first discourse.
LR09 The Four Truths for the Aryas

Freeing ourselves from samsara

The advantages of observing the higher training in ethical conduct, advice for keeping our ethics…

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Painting of the Buddha's first discourse.
LR09 The Four Truths for the Aryas

Path to liberation

The distinction between liberation and enlightenment and what kind of body and what path to…

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Photo of The Wheel of Life.
LR11 Twelve Links of Dependent Arising

Dependent arising: Links 1-3

Superstition obscures the right view and brings forth a wrong fantasy view. It is the…

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Painting of the Buddha's first discourse.
LR09 The Four Truths for the Aryas

The death and rebirth process

What happens to the consciousnesses as we die, the bardo, and how rebirth occurs.

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Photo of The Wheel of Life.
LR11 Twelve Links of Dependent Arising

The wheel of life

Being aware of death while we are alive helps us distinguish what's important. Living each…

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