Teachings on the Buddhist worldview from introductory talks to comprehensive explanations of the stages of the path to awakening.
All Posts in Teachings
The potential for liberation
Explaining the obscurations to the mind and factors for liberation, reviewing the sections, "The Mind's…
View PostQ&A with Clear Mountain Monastery
Question and answer with Ajahn Kovilo and Ajahn Nisabho of Clear Mountain Monastery in Seattle,…
View PostMapping the Buddhist path onto combating the afflict...
Quotes from scriptures on the afflictions and how the Buddhist path involves removing the afflictions.
View PostUsing the subtlest clear light mind on the path
Explaining how tantra manifests the subtlest mind-wind and uses it to accumulate merit and wisdom…
View PostEnough childish behavior!
Shantideva on giving up childish behavior and following in the steps of the wise
View PostUnpacking our afflictions
How to identify the afflictions within our own minds, along with explaining their causes, their…
View PostA life without guilt and blame
How to gain a valid sense of self-esteem while also learning how to evaluate ourselves…
View PostThe psychology of true self-compassion
The effects of compassion on the brain, how mindful and soothing breathing affects our body,…
View PostWhat does it mean to be a good person?
The importance of having a good motivation in all that we do, and how self-centeredness…
View PostOur identity crisis
How social media is affecting personal identities plus personal experiences with identity.
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