
Teachings on the Buddhist worldview from introductory talks to comprehensive explanations of the stages of the path to awakening.

All Posts in Teachings

Wisdom of the Kadam Masters

The best joyous effort

How letting go of our attachment to our endeavors makes engaging in them more joyful.

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Wisdom of the Kadam Masters

The best fortitude

How anger and arrogance are related and why humility is a helpful antidote.

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Gomchen Lamrim

Equalizing self and others

The method of equalizing self and others for cultivating bodhicitta.

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Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Chapter 5: Verses 438-439

How the 57 faults manifest in daily life, and practicing each of the six perfections…

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Overcoming attachment to identities

Each identity we dismantle is another weight lifted from our shoulders.

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Gomchen Lamrim

Great resolve and bodhicitta

The last two steps of the seven-point cause and effect instruction to generate bodhicitta.

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Group of youth in Singapore listening to a teaching.
For Young People

Dharma in daily life: Questions and answers with Bud...

How to apply Dharma principles to daily life situations and decisions common to young people.

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