
Cultivate wisdom that can overcome ignorance at all levels and lead to the attainment of liberation and full awakening.

All Posts in Wisdom

How to See Yourself As You Really Are

Challenging self view

The various reasonings refuting that the person exists inherently in or separate from the aggregates.

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How to See Yourself As You Really Are

Refuting inherent existence

Analyzing whether the person is one with the aggregates, and how we have difficulty seeing…

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How to See Yourself As You Really Are

Karma and emptiness

An overview of why we would want to learn about emptiness and teaches on the…

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Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Chapter 3: Verses 259-267

Practicing generosity to benefit others and accumulate merit. Practicing the activities to accumulate wisdom.

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Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Chapter 3: Verses 246-258

Nagarjuna's advice to a king on benefiting others can be used to develop generosity and…

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Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

“Precious Garland” review: Quiz part 4 q...

Discussion of emptiness and how things and persons exist, including correctly identifying the object of…

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Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

“Precious Garland” review: Quiz part 4 q...

Discussion of quiz part four questions 3 and 4 to review Chapter 1. The different…

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Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

“Precious Garland” review: Quiz question...

Discussion of quiz part 3 questions 13-15 and part 4 questions 1-2 to review verses…

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Venerable Chodron signs a book for a Dharma student at Tibet House Frankfurt.
Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland

The results of virtue and nonvirtue

Reflecting on the results of virtuous and nonvirtuous actions motivates us to create the causes…

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Venerable Chodron signs a book for a Dharma student at Tibet House Frankfurt.
Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland

Questions and answers on karma

Responses to questions on karma and its effects. Understanding karma through the analogy of a…

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