Cultivate wisdom that can overcome ignorance at all levels and lead to the attainment of liberation and full awakening.
All Posts in Wisdom
Chapter 3: Verses 281-287
The 25 special qualities that arise from collecting merit and wisdom. Practical guidelines for creating…
View PostChapter 3: Verses 272-280
Practical advice for creating the collections of of merit and wisdom. The five common qualities…
View PostChapter 3: Verses 268-271
Thought transformation practices that create the causes for the collection of wisdom. The four ascetic…
View PostChallenging self view
The various reasonings refuting that the person exists inherently in or separate from the aggregates.
View PostRefuting inherent existence
Analyzing whether the person is one with the aggregates, and how we have difficulty seeing…
View PostEmptiness and compassion
Analyzing whether the person is one or different from the aggregates.
View PostKarma and emptiness
An overview of why we would want to learn about emptiness and teaches on the…
View PostChapter 3: Verses 259-267
Practicing generosity to benefit others and accumulate merit. Practicing the activities to accumulate wisdom.
View PostChapter 3: Verses 246-258
Nagarjuna's advice to a king on benefiting others can be used to develop generosity and…
View Post“Precious Garland” review: Quiz part 4 q...
Discussion of emptiness and how things and persons exist, including correctly identifying the object of…
View Post“Precious Garland” review: Quiz part 4 q...
Discussion of quiz part four questions 3 and 4 to review Chapter 1. The different…
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