Buddhist Worldview

An overview of core Buddhist concepts: the four truths of the aryas, rebirth, karma, refuge, and more.

All Posts in Buddhist Worldview

Nun and layperson sitting together and talking.
Refuge in the Three Jewels

The Fourth Precept: Deep Listening and Loving Speech

A fresh perspective on the fourth Buddhist lay precept - speech that heals and promotes…

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Silhouette of couple holding hands on the beach.
Refuge in the Three Jewels

The Third Precept: Sexual Responsibility

A fresh perspective on the third Buddhist lay precept - healing ourselves and our society…

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Venerable Chodron offering a gift to a student at the Abbey.
Refuge in the Three Jewels

The Second Precept: Generosity

A fresh perspective on the second precept - moving beyond not stealing to cultivating an…

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Adults hands holding a baby's feet.
Refuge in the Three Jewels

The First Precept: Reverence for Life

A fresh perspective on the first Buddhist lay precept - promoting nonviolence and protecting life.

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Group of lay students with Venerable Chodron after precept ceremony.
Refuge in the Three Jewels

The Five Wonderful Precepts: Introduction

Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh argues eloquently for the relevance of Buddhist ethics in contemporary…

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Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions

Chapter 15: Tantra and conclusion

Finishing up Chapter 15 on tantra and ending the course with the book’s conclusion.

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Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions

Chapter 14-15: Buddha nature in Chan Buddhism

Conclusion of the teaching on buddha nature in Chan Buddhism and the beginning of Chapter…

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Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions

Chapter 14: Buddha nature in the Mind-Only school

Continuing the teaching on buddha nature, according to the Mind-Only school (Scriptural Proponents).

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Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions

Chapter 13: Perfections unique to the Pali tradition

The perfections, focusing on those unique to the Pali Tradition: truthfulness, love and equanimity.

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