Buddhist Worldview
An overview of core Buddhist concepts: the four truths of the aryas, rebirth, karma, refuge, and more.
All Posts in Buddhist Worldview
Practicing in harmony
A talk on the practices common to the different Buddhist traditions based on the book…
View PostCultivating faith in the Three Jewels
What faith means in the Buddhist context, and how to contemplate when paying homage to…
View PostThe Buddha’s life and teachings
Exploring how the life of the Buddha is understood between traditions, and the similarities and…
View PostChanging our minds and emotional habits
How ignorance projects a mode of existence onto things that doesn't exist. Advice on how…
View PostOvercoming obstacles to Dharma practice
Advice on how to build and keep a consistent practice followed by a talk about…
View PostRefuge: Meaning and commitments
An eminent Tibetan teacher explains the meaning of true refuge and the responsibilities that it…
View PostSixteen attributes of the four noble truths
How each one of us has the potential to change how we think, hence situations…
View PostThe truth of dukkha
The four aspects of the first truth, the truth of dukkha. How we are stuck…
View PostExamining our obstacles
Examining where our heart of compassion gets blocked and explanation of the Buddhist perspective on…
View PostThe four noble truths
An overview of how we can strive to benefit ourselves and others in the long…
View PostChanging our wrong conceptions
Our happiness and suffering are based on our habitual ways of thinking and on how…
View PostEthics and right livelihood
A response to a student's question on what to do if one's loved ones are…
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