Thought Training

Teachings that help us transform our minds to see people and events we find challenging from a Dharma perspective.

All Posts in Thought Training

Wisdom of the Kadam Masters

Acknowledging our anger

Covering the disadvantages of anger. Members of the community share stories of how anger has…

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Wisdom of the Kadam Masters

What’s wrong with a little bit of pleasure?

The antidotes to attachment. The community shares examples of how attachment has caused problems in…

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Wisdom of the Kadam Masters

Dealing with habitual emotional patterns

How to identify and work with our habitual afflictions instead of running on automatic.

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Wisdom of the Kadam Masters

Meditating on the media

How to transform the way we watch media by turning it into a meditation on…

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Wisdom of the Kadam Masters

Bad friends

How we can be influenced by worldly friends who take us away from our Dharma…

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Wisdom of the Kadam Masters

Causes of the afflictions

The first three causes of afflictions (the seed, the object, and inappropriate attention) and how…

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Wisdom of the Kadam Masters

Who’s walking?

More practical ways we can meditate on selflessness in our daily lives.

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Wisdom of the Kadam Masters

The best learning

Why selflessness is the best teaching, and practical ways we can begin to meditate on…

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Wisdom of the Kadam Masters

The teaching of no-self

The beginning of a commentary on quotations by the Kadam masters, starting with a teaching…

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Don't Believe Everything You Think

Facing our faults

It's not enough to talk about the Dharma we know, it's about being a sincere…

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