Stages of the Path

Lamrim teachings provide a step-by-step approach to practicing the entire path to awakening.


A post with wooden signs point the way to three different Sravasti Abbey forest paths.

Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

Learn to meditate on the stages of the path to awakening through teachings this text by Panchen Losang Chokyi Gyaltsen.

A solo person kayaks in a lake with mountains in the background.

Essence of a Human Life

Short talks on a text by Lama Tsongkhapa on the practices of the initial scope practitioner.

Sunlight breaks through the forest skylight, illuminating ferns below.

Essence of Refined Gold

Teachings on the Third Dalai Lama's commentary on "Songs of Experience" by Lama Tsongkhapa.

A bee extracts honey from a cluster of bright pink flowers.

Essential Spiritual Advice

Short talks on a text by the First Dalai Lama published in The 14 Dalai Lamas: A Sacred Legacy of Reincarnation.

A buddha statue in a wooden and glass house with prayer flags.

Gomchen Lamrim

Commentary on The Essence of All Eloquent Speech by the great meditator Ngawang Drakpa of Dagpo.

Garden path strewn with pink flower petals.

Lamrim Teachings 1991-94

Extensive commentary on Lama Tsongkhapa's Great Exposition on the Gradual Path to Enlightenment. (Lamrim Chenmo)

A line of three monastics carry offerings as part of the Lama Chopa Guru Puja.

Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

Short talks on the stages of the path described in the Guru Puja text by the fourth Panchen Lama.

Statue of Lama Tsongkhapa on an altar with flowers in the background.

Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Teachings on Lama Tsongkhapa's text on developing renunciation, bodhicitta, and wisdom.


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Venerable Sangye Khadro stands next to a wooden statue of Kuan Yin.

Middle-Length Lamrim with Venerable Sangye Khadro (2023-present)

Ongoing teachings on the Middle-Length Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment by Lama Tsongkhapa. Streamed live on the Sravasti Abbey YouTube channel on Thursday mornings at 9 am Pacific Time.

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A stack of volumes of books from the Library of Wisdom and Compassion.

Selected Lamrim Topics (2012)

Teachings on selected topics from the stages of the path to awakening (lamrim) given at Sravasti Abbey from October 18 to December 20, 2012.

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All Posts in Stages of the Path

Stages of the Path

Review: Our enemy, self-centeredness

The disadvantages of self-centeredness and the advantages of cherishing others.

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Stages of the Path

Guarding one’s bodhicitta

Practices to prevent bodhicitta from degenerating in this life and future lives.

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Stages of the Path

Taking and giving—tonglen

Explanation of exchanging self and others and taking and giving.

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Stages of the Path

Cherishing others

The benefits of cherishing others, and what it means to exchange oneself and others.

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