Deity Meditation

Teachings from annual weeklong and three-month deity meditation retreats.

All Posts in Deity Meditation

Manjushri Weeklong Retreat 2019

“Letter to a Friend”: Verses 29-34

Venerable Thubten Chodron covers verses 29-34 of Nagarjuna’s “Letter to a Friend.”

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Manjushri Weeklong Retreat 2019

Using wisdom to guide our lives

The sixth of the seven kinds of wisdom we request Manjushri to inspire us to…

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Manjushri Weeklong Retreat 2019

“Letter to a Friend”: Verses 35-42

Venerable Thubten Chodron covers verses 35-42 of Nagarjuna's "Letter to a Friend."

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Manjushri Weeklong Retreat 2019

The wisdom of composition

The seventh kind of wisdom we request Manjushri to inspire us to develop.

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Manjushri Weeklong Retreat 2019

The Buddha Refuge Jewel

The Three Jewels that Buddhists take refuge in on both the ultimate and conventional levels.

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Manjushri Weeklong Retreat 2019

Watching the news as Dharma practice

Answering various questions from the audience, including how to watch and interpret the news with…

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Manjushri Weeklong Retreat 2019

“Letter to a Friend”: Verses 43-47

Venerable Thubten Chodron covers verses 43-47 of Nagarjuna’s “Letter to a Friend.”

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Manjushri Weeklong Retreat 2019

End of retreat Q&A

Various questions from the audience, including how to gain right views through hearing, thinking, and…

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Group photo of many people with Venerables Chodron and Damcho in the center.
Deity Meditation

Introduction to vajrayana

How vajrayana practice uses the imagination to help progress on the path, developing qualities and…

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Thangka image of Medicine Buddha.
Medicine Buddha

Explanation of the Medicine Buddha practice

The first of three talks given at a retreat on the Medicine Buddha practice in…

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Venerable holding a microphone and teaching.
Medicine Buddha

Medicine Buddha practice: The seven limb prayer

The second of three talks given at a retreat on the Medicine Buddha practice in…

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