
Teachings on the Buddhist worldview from introductory talks to comprehensive explanations of the stages of the path to awakening.

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The word 'Karma' carved in stone.
LR08 Karma

Classifications of karma

There are different things that determinate our options, but we have the opportunity to take…

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Woman visiting dogs in a shelter.
LR08 Karma

Positive actions and their results

Looking at karma in terms of the positive actions and results, and a discussion of…

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Young monks meditating.
LR08 Karma

Meditating on the 10 destructive actions

Instructions for meditation on karma and the ten destructive actions, thinking about the causes of…

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Entrance to hell realm.
LR08 Karma

The results of the 10 destructive actions

A look at how karma ripens, the maturation result, results similar to the cause, and…

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The word "Implications" written in yellow against a gray background.
LR08 Karma

A broader view of destructive actions

It makes a big difference how we treat ourselves or others and with what motivation…

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The word "Mind" painted on a wall.
LR08 Karma

Three destructive actions of mind

Of the ten destructive actions, the three mental actions are the motivator for all the…

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"Speak the truth even if your voice shakes" painted on a wall.
LR08 Karma

The destructive actions of speech

An explanation of the karma related to our use of speech: lying, divisive speech, harsh…

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A steak with the word 'Eat' below it.
LR08 Karma

The three physical destructive actions

Intention and motivation produce different results from our actions. Being honest with ourselves helps us…

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Collage of a Buddha
LR08 Karma

General characteristics of karma

An introduction to karma, what it is, what it is not, and how karma relates…

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Abbey guest receiving a tsa-tsa from Venerable Chodron.
LR07 Refuge

The practice of refuge

Having taken refuge, how to practice it by respecting the Buddha, the Dharma, and the…

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Abbey retreatants waiting for Venerable to arrive for a teaching.
LR07 Refuge

Benefits of having taken refuge

We become Buddhists, establish the foundation for all further vows. Eliminate negative and accumulate positive…

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