
Teachings on the Buddhist worldview from introductory talks to comprehensive explanations of the stages of the path to awakening.

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Thangka image of Lama Tsongkapa.
Tenets with Ven. Sangye Khadro

Sautrāntika tenet school: Part 2

Explanation of the Sautrāntika tenet school assertions on consciousness, perception and conception, and types of…

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

Nagarjuna’s analysis of arising

Completing teaching from Chapter 8, explaining Nagarjuna's four-point analysis of arising.

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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey


Commentary on verses 46-49. How aspiration and steadfastness support and increase each other. Also the…

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Thangka image of Lama Tsongkapa.
Tenets with Ven. Sangye Khadro

Sautrāntika tenet school: Part 1

Introduction to the Sautrāntika school and the mode of asserting objects including conventional and ultimate…

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

Ultimate nature of the twelve links

Continuing the teachings from Chapter 8, covering the section "The Ultimate Nature of the Twelve…

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Bodhisattva Path

70 Topics: Introduction

Overview of the "Ornament for Clear Realization," the basis for the 70 topics.

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Thangka image of Lama Tsongkapa.
Tenets with Ven. Sangye Khadro

Vaibhāṣika tenet school: Part 3

Explanation of the five paths according to the Vaibhāṣika school and assertions on the objects…

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

Like illusions

Teaching from Chapter 8, explaining why phenomena are "like illusions" but are not actually illusions.

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