
Teachings on the Buddhist worldview from introductory talks to comprehensive explanations of the stages of the path to awakening.

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Thangka image of Lama Tsongkapa.
Tenets with Ven. Sangye Khadro

Svātantrika Madhyamaka tenets: Part 2

Continued explanation of Svātantrika Madhyamaka assertions, including the mode of asserting objects and the two…

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

Transcendental dependent origination

Continuing teaching from Chapter 10, explaining the flow the transcendental dependent origination and covering faith,…

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Thangka image of Lama Tsongkapa.
Tenets with Ven. Sangye Khadro

Svātantrika Madhyamaka tenets: Part 1

Introduction to the Madhyamaka tenet school including the origin, distinguishing features, divisions, and tenets of…

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

Review of true duhkha

Reviewing Chapter 2, covering the sections related to true duhkha covering realms of existence and…

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Bodhisattva Path

70 Topics: Mahayana path of meditation

Explanation of chapter 2, topics 5 to 11, on the Mahayana path of meditation.

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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Review of Chapter Five: “Guarding Alertness...

Review of the first half of Chapter 5 "Guarding Alertness," (introspective awareness) from Shantideva's "Engaging…

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Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2022

Living in compassion

A psychologist's approach to cultivating compassion and managing emotions.

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Thangka image of Lama Tsongkapa.
Tenets with Ven. Sangye Khadro

Mind-only tenet school: Part 3

Explanation of the Mind-only school tenets on perception, selflessness, and grounds and paths.

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Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2022

Characteristics of karma

The fundamentals of karma: What it is, how it works, why it’s important, and how…

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Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2022

Determining spiritual experiences

Explanation of the fifth precept on avoiding intoxicants and how to assess our spiritual experiences.

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