Stages of the Path

Lamrim teachings provide a step-by-step approach to practicing the entire path to awakening.

All Posts in Stages of the Path

Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

The path to liberation

How to cease the twelve links, an outline of ethical practices, and the antidotes to…

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Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

The twelve links of dependent arising

The four distortions of mind, answers to questions about happiness and karmic imprints, and the…

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Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

Antidotes to attachment

A teaching on attachment and its antidotes, and the six causes of delusion.

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Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

Meditating on suffering (continued)

How meditating on suffering gives rise to renunciation and a discussion about the root of…

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Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

Meditating on suffering

An explanation of the types of suffering experienced in various realms of samsara.

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Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

Spiritual teachers

The qualities of spiritual teachers and benefits of relying on them plus an introduction to…

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Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

Karma and virtue

Karma and how it functions, including the ten virtues and non-virtues.

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Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

Taking refuge

An extensive talk about refuge and various aspects of faith as it relates to the…

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Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

The eight worldly concerns

An outline of the eight worldly concerns, what happens at death and the three unfortunate…

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Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

Death and impermanence

An explanation of the samsaric realms and Buddhist cosmology, plus discussion on impermanence and the…

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