Shantideva Teachings in Singapore
Annual talks on Engaging in the Bodhisattva's Deeds hosted by Pureland Marketing in Singapore since 2006.
All Posts in Shantideva Teachings in Singapore
Chapter 2: Verses 1-6
The first verses of Chapter 2 describe the Three Jewels of refuge and how and…
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Encouragement to really make the generation of bodhicitta the foremost thing in our life, leading…
View PostChapter 1: Verses 2-6
The author's intention in composing the text and learning from his humility. The conditions to…
View PostChapter 1: Verse 1
Explanation: there's no irreparable gap between who we are and the goal of Buddhahood. The…
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Setting the context, motivation and attitude to learn the text. Explaining the Buddhist concept of…
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