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我想分享一個簡短的故事,非常感謝您的教誨。 幾個月來我一直在練習 拉姆林 冥想 使用你的書 修行道階的引導禪修. 昨天我真的很沮喪。 我在考慮一些可能會變壞的房地產投資,作為我家人唯一的經濟支柱,我擔心我可能會失去退休和儲蓄,我的家人會一貧如洗。 今天早上,而不是在下一個冥想 拉姆林 話題,我決定 幽思 on 附件 及其解毒劑。 我特別花了一些時間思考我的 附件 物質財富和隨之而來的恐懼和擔憂 附件 造成的。 使用你在第 173-4 頁的大綱,我開始看到 附件 使我情緒起伏不定,它滋生不滿,使我從佛法修行中分心,它肯定使我擔心和焦慮。

I then thought about how much emphasis I placed on these “investments,” and the imaginative stories I made up in my mind about how things would turn out, when in fact these were all stories in my mind that were not real. I then used the death 冥想 to see that after death these “investments” will be of no use to me, and that since these material possessions are impermanent and changing why should I cling to them now. Further, my family’s happiness does not depend on material possessions any more than my happiness does, and my irritability and frustration does not help anything.

今早之後,我的整體精神狀態發生了變化 冥想; 雖然我知道我將來可能會擔心這些投資,但我確實知道解決辦法 附件 工作,我將來會使用它們。

