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"Ууртай ажиллах" тойм

"Ууртай ажиллах" тойм

Ууртай ажиллах номын хавтас.

Ууртай ажиллах номын хавтас.

Худалдан авах Шамбал or Амазоны

2001 оны шилдэг сүнслэг номуудын нэгээр үнэлэгдсэн
-Шүүмжийг уншина уу Сүнслэг байдал ба дадлага

Ууртай ажиллах is a wonderful, wise, and life-changing book. Written in Venerable Thubten Chodron’s characteristic accessible style, generously laced with examples drawn from daily life, the book is filled with practical strategies on how to free ourselves from уур хилэн, resentment, and envy. If you are looking for a practical guide to overcome уур хилэн and live with greater tolerance, love, and forgiveness, I highly recommend this book.
—Howard C. Cutler, MD, coauthor of Аз жаргалын урлаг

In Ууртай ажиллах, Thubten Chodron offers us a kind and genuinely helpful guide to handling one of the greatest challenges in living an emotionally intelligent life.
—Daniel Goleman, Зохиогч Сэтгэл санааны тагнуул

By presenting in everyday language the Buddhist methods for overcoming and preventing уур хилэн, Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron has made accessible time-tested practical guidelines that can be helpful for everyone.
- Александр Берзин, Берзин архив

Thubten Chodron offers her insights on уур хилэн, the ways that it manifests in our lives, and the ways that we can skillfully work to transform it. Both inspiring and humble in its approach, this book is sure to be a help to many.
- Шарон Зальцбергзохиогч, Real Happiness болон Хайр энэрэл

Thubten Chodron is one of our freshest voices of the Dharma. Echoing the clarity of H.H. the Далай лам’s own teachings on forgiveness and healing, in Ууртай ажиллах she brings us helpful, practical insights from her deep training in Himalayan wisdom traditions. Written in clear, user-friendly language, this superb handbook offers us concrete strategies for dealing effectively with the painful afflictions of уур хилэн, criticism, and betrayal in contemporary life situations. Can we ever tire of such necessary, good advice?
—Trevor Carolan, David See-Chai Lam Centre for International Communication

Presented with clarity, wit, anecdotes, and examples, the material is easy to read and to absorb. If you have an уур хилэн problem (who doesn’t?) or are dealing with someone who does (who isn’t?), you will be glad you found this book.
-Ухамсрын гэрэл

Combining the teachings drawn from Shantideva and the lojong teachings of Tibetan Buddhism with present-day examples, Chodron presents a compelling and accessible guide for practitioners in the Western Dharma community.
-Сангха Сэтгүүл

Here we have a psychology that leads to true liberation … What I like here is that this work is not just about moralizing and sermonizing, but gives practical, useable techniques to neutralize уур хилэн … It has a clarity and simplicity that can only come from someone who actually lives what she writes. Highly recommendable.
-Алмазан гал

Сэтгэгдлээ бичээрэй Амазоны

Эрхэм хүндэт Тубтен Чодрон

Эрхэм Чодрон Буддагийн сургаалыг бидний өдөр тутмын амьдралд хэрэгжүүлэхийг онцолж, барууныханд амархан ойлгож, хэрэгжүүлэх арга замаар тайлбарлахдаа онцгой чадвартай. Тэрээр дулаахан, хөгжилтэй, ойлгомжтой сургаалаар алдартай. Түүнийг 1977 онд Энэтхэгийн Дарамсала хотод Кябже Лин Ринбүүчи Буддын шашны гэлэнмаа болгож, 1986 онд Тайваньд хуврагын (бүрэн) сахил хүртжээ. Түүний бүрэн түүхийг уншина уу.